What is Health Coaching?

A Health Coach is a professional who is passionate about healthy living in every area of life and who wants to help others make the commitment to healthy living.
A Health Coach is a professional who is passionate about healthy living in every area of life and who wants to help others make the commitment to healthy living.

Health Coaching is truly the future of healthcare. Top doctors, supplement companies, insurance companies and corporations all believe that Health Coaching really is the key to transforming people’s lives. 


Diabesity (obesity associated with diabetes) is caused by lifestyle habits and is the hidden cause for most cases of heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, dementia, many cancers – and even depression. Yet, it is almost never treated directly because there is no good drug for it. 

Over the next 20 years, $47 trillion will be spent around the world to address chronic diseases caused by Diabesity. The good news is that we can win the war on chronic disease.

Take a look at this article by Dr. Hyman:.

After learning what is going on with our healthcare system and that chronic disease is not treated properly, it is not difficult to understand how and why Health Coaching is the future of healthcare.

What is a Health Coach?

A Health Coach is a professional who is passionate about healthy living in every area of life and who wants to help others make the commitment to healthy living.

A Health Coach can act on this in many different ways – developing plans to assist clients in achieving specific health and wellness goals and/or implementing healthcare direction provided to them by their practitioners or other healthcare professionals – to assist clients with chronic health conditions. 

Also, a Health Coach will work with clients to harness their strengths, in order to develop the healthy behaviors they want to address. It is like adding new tools to someone’s Health Tool Box Kit so he or she will have access to those tools for a lifetime.

In March of 2017 the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine published a study of the Clinical Effectiveness of Lifestyle Health Coaching (LHC), showing the relevance of LHC “because it utilized what appeared to be the most logical approach to lifestyle management and chronic disease risk reduction – namely, intensive modification of multiple risk factors via comprehensive lifestyle interventions.”

The full article is linked here.

In Functional Medicine, practitioners spend a tremendous amount of time with patients going over several aspects of their health, such as major health history issues, eating habits, lab work analysis, hormone imbalances – and the list goes on.

They are very busy focusing on the medical portion of treatment, while the Health Coach is focusing on how the treatment will be implemented. Most Functional Medicine practices offer Health Coaches on site or provide this service via Telemedicine, to improve patient care and reduce practitioner stress and burnout.

The Bottom Line on Health Coaching

Unlike health fads that come and go, Health Coaching has strong evidence of its long-term effectiveness for improving clients’ health and well-being.

Utilizing the services of a Health Coach can bring individuals great satisfaction – promoting happiness, building resiliency, and bringing  greater understanding that lifestyle changes and reversing chronic issues are not about will power!

It is about being open to receiving the Health Toolkit that the Health Coach has to provide. Everyone has the right to have good health and a Health Coach can guide clients to transform their lives.
